
Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The latest save Star Trek campaign

I can't say I was surpised to see these articles off the Star Trek website, but then this kind of activism was in its history. When Star Trek was nearly cancelled after either its first or second season, fans of the time wrote the NBC network hoping to save the series. And guess what the series came back. In addition to that before the series would have been made the series could have still died an obscure death. Some how the show got to make two pilots and that was unheard of.

Well the fifth TV series of the franchise Star Trek Enterprise has become the first show to be cancelled since the original series. And there is a modern effort to get the show back on the schedule somewhere. It could either be back on UPN or it could go to the Sci-Fi channel or at least that what Trekkies every where could hope.

Here are some links:

D-Day for Star Trek Fans - UPDATE!
Fans Unite in Attempt to Save Enterprise – UPDATE!
The Enterprise Project

I hope they'll be sucessful. This season has truly been decent. The first two have been slow to be sure. Last season was a little better dominated by the Xindi plot. But the current season isn't actually that bad. But I'll make sure of one thing, I'm getting involved in this effort this time. I wasn't around in 1967-1969.

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