
Sunday, September 27, 2020

Remember when Newt Gingrich was shut down on FOX News last week


[VIDEO] Bill O'Reilly discusses his former employers at FOX News. Among right wing sources it was noted that on Outnumbered with Harris Faulkner, the former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich was shut down the moment he brought up George Soros. The panel I will exclude host Faulkner just said we need not bring up Soros, even Gingrich knew what was going on and used the German word for forbidden.

His only point was Soros has been using his fortune to fund the campaigns of a number of prosecutors such as Kim Gardner in St. Louis, Kim Foxx in Cook County. Oh let me tell you about our State's Attorney, 2nd City Cop wants her gone and they hope that Cook County voters do the impossible and vote the Republican in. We'll see what happens with that, sadly it happens all too often that Cook County residents will often just vote the Democrat in no matter their failures. People keep bringing up her handling of the Jussie Smollett fraud.

Kim Gardner is the Circuit Attorney in St. Louis who is known for attempting to pursue charges against Mr. & Mrs. McCloskey because they brandished their guns outside of their property during unrest there. A group of "rioters" trespassed into a gated community breaking down a gate to do so. With police not in sight they came out with their guns - word of advice to all of you don't just put a firearm get some training also because they didn't show it - and they're charged with unlawful use of a weapon exhibiting which is a felony.

With the McCloskey's I just have to share this. They got accosted by some "woke" protesters and offered a post card depicting their infamous moment outside their St. Louis home.

He mentions Contra Costa County in California, O'Reilly says it's Oakland I'm guessing suburban Oakland. The DA there is Diane Becton according to him she won't prosecute anyone for looting if they're poor. I saw an article that shows a common thread in Foxx, Gardner or Becton's officers, there's disfunction and those who work under them are bailing.

Bottom line is that some serious money was behind those candidates to get them elected, especially Soros money. Soros is known for putting money behind left wing causes. And he's turned his attention to local prosecutor races. O'Reilly states that for some reason Soros is using his vast fortune to upend America's justice system.

Another wrinkle to this is perhaps there were concerns over charges of anti-semitism as Soros is Jewish. Interesting, what was stated that was anti-semitic. Gingrich didn't mention anything about his religion or say anything remotely anti-semitic. That's another thing all he had to do was mention a name so is that problematic.

Faulkner tried to explain the awkwardness there later. She knew it needed to be addressed.


Eddie said...

A Semite can be Jewish, Arab or Assyrian. Semite usually means Jewish. ಠ﹏ಠ

Most people didn't know or care that Soros was/is Jewish, because he downplayed it. Various Jewish reporters and columnists, along with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) made an issue out of Soros being Hungarian, Jewish and Holocaust Survivor. ಠ︵ಠ

Eddie said...

We Blacks vote Democratic for two historical reasons: President Hoover did nothing about the Great Depression and Democratic Machines were becoming powerful. ಠ_ಠ

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