
Sunday, January 27, 2008

A video from the Brookins for State's Attorney campaign website

The first time I checked out Ald. Howard Brookins' campaign website in a while. Up until recently there wasn't much going on there.

At about 1 minute into this video the rudest thing happened. He attempted to talk to a couple who were at a vending machine as he approaches them with literature. They get their goods and then they walk away from him without a word. Brookins stands there looking at the camera, confused, befuddled, or whatever adjective you can come up with.

I was going to post this with the idea that maybe Brookins didn't do a good thing here. Well let me just say this, I know some people don't care for politicians but there's just no reason for behavior such as this. It doesn't help if you were caught on camera doing that. Yeah I could go into race on this one, but that's just too convenient. Besides I don't know what went thru their heads when they did what they did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe the couple mistook him for a Jehova witness that was recruiting?

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