
Monday, February 05, 2007

Mayor Giuliani is going to enter the Presidential race

This just in from And I must say that I am a fan of former NYC Mayor Rudy Guiliani. Some might be bothered by the fact that he is seen as a lot more liberal than most Republicans but I have to admire how he handled 9/11 and his administration of the City of New York. Under him it seemed to have perked up to where it is today. Well here's a bit from FOX News...

In a sign that he's serious about running for the White House, the two-term mayor was filing a so-called "statement of candidacy" with the Federal Election Commission. In the process, he was eliminating the phrase "testing the waters" from earlier paperwork establishing his exploratory committee, said an official close to Giuliani's campaign.

I don't know if he'll be a good choice but I'm keeping an open mind on both sides of the aisle.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Once the Republicans find out that he has engaged in homosexual relationships, they will throw him away.

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