
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I just want to point this out...

The ideological nature of the Rush Limbaugh program is suspect but I like to point out some things he has said. Consider it food for the thought. Indeed that is only the point.

I've mentioned elections around the country that may see a black go at the head of a ticket particularly statewide. This was the case in the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Maryland. In Ohio and Pennsylvania blacks were seeking their party's nomination (Republican in these cases) for governor. In Tennessee and Maryland blacks were seeking their party's nomination for the US Senate (In Tenneessee the man in question is the Democratic nominee for US Senate, Harold Ford. However in Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele-Republican and former US Congressman Kweisi Mfume-Democrat was seeking their party's nomination). This leads me to the point of writing this post.

Well I haven't been following these elections very well. As I've state Rep. Ford has won his party's nomination, but in Maryland fellow Democrat Kweisi Mfume has lost his race for the Democratic nomination for Senate. And Rush Limbaugh said this about that...

RUSH: From Maryland: (story) "Representative Ben Cardin, veteran congressman who voted against the war in Iraq, won the Democrat nomination to replace retiring Democrat Paul Sarbanes. Cardin had edged out his closest competitor, the former NAACP head Kweisi Mfume and 16 other candidates. He will face Republican lieutenant governor Michael Steele. The race between Cardin, who is white, and Mfume, was amicable, neither man criticizing the other, and both voicing support for troop withdrawals from Iraq and universal health insurance. Democrats interviewed on Tuesday said they chose Cardin over Mfume because of Cardin's vote against the war in Iraq. Sarbanes also voted against the war. Mfume wasn't in Congress at the time."

You know what the untold story here is, is that the Democrats have once again said (raspberry) to a black. Mfume ran the NAALCP! Mfume was in Congress once as a Democrat, Kweisi Mfume, and wanted to be in the Senate -- and the Democrats are saying, "We've gotta stand up for more minorities in public institutions. There's discrimination out there, and there's radical racism on the part of the Republicans."

Here was a chance for the very liberal state of Maryland, as liberal as they are in Massachusetts, to show how they are not racists and how they are into diversity and rewarding people who have been discriminated against their whole lives, like Kweisi Mfume, a chance to vault to the top. Instead, Maryland liberals, as usual, chose the white guy.

I suppose what Rush is saying here is that the Democratic party isn't living up to what is supposedly their best ideas. They are the inclusive party the party of equality and yet they chose the white guy over a just as qualified black man. Well I may not exactly look at it that way but perhaps these are questions worth asking not just about Republicans but Democrats as well.

But these are historic elections we are talking about. Perhaps we will see two black get elected to the US Senate and/or for the first time since about 1990 a black (or in this case two blacks) might be elected governor of a US state.

Will history be made, we'll just have to see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our daughter just moved to the Maryland side of DC and has gotten involved with the Steele campaign. Until the democrats chose their candidate in the primary there was no way to gauge his chances of winning the senate, but now things should get clearer.

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